When valuing your gemstones and jewellery, more than 10 years of experience meet the latest technologies and procedures for determining quality, origin, value of material and processing. Depending on the intended use, different values are applied: Insurance value (replacement value), inheritance value and liquidation value (material value).
For the valuation, we offer the following options below:
Valuing gemstones
Jewellery valuations are commissioned by private individuals for insurance applications, by notaries for inheritance distributions, by insurance companies for claims and by courts for disputes. Gold jewellery is relatively easy to value: After determining the gold content (carat), the weight in grams is established with the gold scale. This allows the so-called old gold price (current price) to be determined. The calculated value of a piece of jewellery depends on the purpose of the valuation: Insurance value (replacement value), inheritance value, material value (liquidation value).
The following applies to jewellery with precious stones: If one wants an exact determination of value and if no certificate is available, the stones must often be set so that they can be weighed and gemmologically examined.
Inheritance appraisals are often commissioned by public officials (notaries) who have to make an inheritance distribution for their clients. The valuation of jewellery, precious stones, cultured pearls, watches and silverware is often time-consuming because detailed lists with illustrations have to be prepared.
In the case of precious stones and cultured pearls, gemmological expertise is required for the pure determination - for the determination of value, great experience in the trade is also needed. For this reason, the retail trade often has expertises carried out by Hejra.
When buying a piece of jewellery, a gemstone or a cultured pearl necklace, it is advisable to have an insurance certificate drawn up at the same time, free of charge; the value used is usually about 10% above the purchase price, so that future increases in value are covered. Subsequent insurance appraisals are similar in complexity to inheritance appraisals, except that the replacement value is used here. It is advisable to have insurance appraisals reviewed after a few years, as the values of precious stones and cultured pearls in particular can change.